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Catalogue of individual trainings for real estate agencies in Saint Petersburg
до 28 февраля
Training formats
Training at the agency's office
Training at the developer's office
Online training
On-site training
Kult Otvazhnyh
Comprehensive training (benefits of the project, transport accessibility, sales tools)
Park Side, Vasco da Gama
Comprehensive training (benefits of the project, transport accessibility, sales tools)
A top speaker with valuable experience, ready-made cases and scripts for communicating with investors
HC «Novoe Gorelovo», HC «LesART»
HC «Upoint»
Project presentation, showroom visiting
HC «Novaya istoriya»
In the Zoom format or at the agency’s office - comprehensive training (benefits of the project, transport accessibility, sales tools)
HC «Dom na Vasilievskom»
HC «Obrazczovyj kvartal»
HC «Rizhskiy 70R»
HC «Hal'con»
Project presentation, ready-made apartments visiting
HC «Romashki»
HC «Kleny»
HC «Mozhajskij skver»
HC «Primorskij kvartal»
HC «Novyj Lessner»
HC «Loft u Ozera»
HC «Novo-Antropshino»
Project presentation, ready-made apartments visiting
HC «Storony Sveta»
Training from Project Manager Anastasia Ryzhkova
Site Tour and Project Training
Club house «Manhattan»
Project presentation, apartments visiting
HC «Bol'shoj, 67»
An exclusive project, training from the project manager
HC «Levitan»
An exclusive project, training from the project manager
Apartment hotel We&I Ramada by Vertical, Apartment hotel You&Co living Vertical
Project presentation, ready-made apartments visiting
HC «Valo», HC «UNO»
You can learn all about the apartments from the developer's representative
Cottage complex «Toksovo Ozero Park», Cottage complex «Koltushi Park»
HC «Novoe Gorelovo», HC «LesART»
HC «Zvezdy Stolits», HC «CHKALOV»
Training by Project Manager Anastasia Ryzhkova
HC «Veter peremen», HC «Veter Peremen 2»
Training from Project Manager Anastasia Ryzhkova
HC «Manufaktura James Beck» HC «Kvadriya»
HC «IN2IT», HC «Pro.Molodost`»
Training can take place at the agency’s office or on-site (IN2IT)
Apartment hotel IZZZI on 7th line VI, Apartment hotel IZZZI on Gorokhovaya 47
HC «Bereg. Kurortny`j» HC «Kollekcionnyj dom 1919» HC «SHEPILEVSKIY»
Informative and inspiring sales training! At the agency's or developer's office, as well as on-site (Bereg). There is also a small-talk format with the sales director for those who are already familiar with the product
HC «Marioki» HC «Morskaya Rivera» HC «Panorama Nev»
HC «Graf Orlov», HC «London Park», HC «Klassika. Dom dlya Dushi» HC «Poet» HC «Byron» HC «Shakespeare»
HC «UP! Kvartal Pushkinskij», HC «Zoom na Neve» HC «Zoom Chernaya Rechka» HC «Novaya Skandinaviya (GoP FSK)» HC «Novyj Moskovskij»
HC «Poltavskaya 10», HC «Telezhnaya 21-29», HC «Maikov 4A», HC «Borovaya 34/24», HC «Apartamenty na Bolshom Kazachem 10A», HC «Krona», HC «Ligovsky 141I», HC «Chernyakhovskogo 56»
Project presentation, ready-made apartments visiting
HC «Zhivi! V Rybaczkom», HC «Sunday» HC «Novoe Kolpino» HC «Astrid», HC «Malaya Ohta», HC «Novye Lavriki», HC «Kurortnyj kvartal», HC «Kvartal Lagolovo»
A charged speaker, a lot of useful practical information
HC «Novoe Sertolovo», HC «Yasno.Yanino», HC «Kontinenty», HC «Lyubograd v Strel`ne», HC «YugTaun. Olimpijskie kvartaly»
Project presentation, apartments visiting
HC «Novye gorizonty», HC «Prinevskij», HC «CDS Moskovskij», HC «CDS Severnyj», HC «CDS Polyustrovo», HC «CDS Elizarovskij», HC «CDS Chernaya rechka», HC «CDS Volkovskij», HC «CDS Parkolovo», HC «CDS Novosaratovka (Gorod Pervykh)», HC «Murino Space»
Showroom with furniture + lecture on the project
HC «Leningrad», HC «Defans» HC «Gavan` Kapitanov», HC «Aerositi», HC «YE'S LEADER» HC «Aerositi Club», HC «Aerositi Family»
A field trip is the best way to explore the project. There will be viewing of the completed apartments and the location
HC «Ultra City», HC «Bolkonskij», HC «Futurist», HC «ARTSTUDIO MOSKOVSKY», HC «Krestovskij IV», HC «Sozidateli», HC «ARTSTUDIO M103», HC «MIR»
A tour of the finished project, common facilities, a yard, apartments
«Uyutnyj», HC «Duet»
The training is provided by the project manager, an individual tour of the facility can also be arranged
Cottage complex «Istoriya Park», HC «Park Side», Cottage complex «Lampolovo», Recreation center «O'pushka», Cottage complex «Pavlov'sky»
A field trip is the best way to explore the project and location, with visits to cottages. Presentation from the developer. In the Zoom format - comprehensive training (benefits of the project, transport accessibility, sales tools).
HC «Corner Kaltino»
Project presentation, a visit to the finished villa and the territory of the cottage complex
Apartment hotel 4* at Khersonskoj, 39, Apartment hotel 3* at alley Grivczova, 4
Training helps you to easily sell a non-standard product - reconstruction
Location, 2 types of one-room apartments (transformer apartment, apartment with arched windows) and skylights + showroom, where you will see the white box finishing
HC «Project 6/3»
We recommend training on-site since this project is a renovation and you can visit any apartment in which work is not underway, but you can also take training at the agency
Apartment hotel Well
HC «VIDI», HC «Talento»
Project presentation from the developer
HC «Mir Vnutri», HC «e.volyuciya»
A tour of the completed part of the housing complex and viewing of the construction site
Eco neighborhood "Novaya Dubrovka"
Project presentation, ready-made apartments visiting
HC «Grona Lund», HC «Magnifika»
Project presentation, ready-made apartments and the showroom visiting
HC «Simple»
Project presentation, demo floor visiting
HC «Algoritm Strelna», HC «SERTOLOVO PARK»
Training on the project. A walk through the territory and the promenade. Viewing of fine and rough finishing as well as of the showroom
HC «Malen`kaya Franciya», HC «Alter», HC «AKZENT», HC «Amo»
A tour to a chic premium project, a yard, common facilities and apartments for sale
HC «A101 Vsevolozhsk»
Project presentation with the layout at the sales office

HC «A101 Lagolovo»
Training from a representative of the developer to the agency’s office
HC «Friends», Apartment hotel Moskovsky Avenir, Apartment hotel Kirovsky Avenir, Apartment hotel Putilov Avenir, HC «Severnaya Korona», Apartment hotel Ladozhsky Avenir
Lobbies, halls and public spaces, a showroom with furniture and units for sale
HC «NEWPITER», HC «Novoe Kupchino», HC «Listva», HC «Nauka»
Project presentation, ready-made apartments visiting
HC «Galaktika», HC «Galaktika Premium», HC «Kvartal Che», HC «Galaktika Pro», HC «Moskovskie vorota II»
Project presentation, ready-made apartments visiting
HC «Moj mir», HC «Polis Primorskij», HC «Polis Primorskij 2», HC «Polis LAVriki», HC «Polis Novosel`e»
Presentation from the developer. Field trip to the completed elite project and the surrounding area
HC «Moskovskij», 65», HC «Institutskij, 16», HC «Malooxtinskij, 68», HC «Chernaya rechka, 41», HC «Lisichanskaya, 22», HC «Bol'shoj, 67», HC «Sampsonievskij, 32»
Presentation from the developer. Field trip to the ready-made elite project and the surrounding area
HC «iD KudrovoiD», HC «Moskovskiy», HC «iD Park Pobedyi», HC «D Murino II», HC «iD Svetlanovskiy»
Showroom with finishing, 3D tour and digital office
HC «Golden City», HC «GloraX Zanevskij», HC «GloraX Premium Vasileostrovskij», Apartment hotel «GloraX Zanevskij», HC «GloraX Vasileostrovskij», HC «GloraX Baltijskaya»
Showroom with finishing, 3D tour and digital office
HC «New Time», HC «Familia» HC «BelArt», HC «Cube», HC «Time Square», HC «Master Place», HC «Akademik», HC «Lajner»
In the Zoom format or at the agency’s office - comprehensive training (benefits of the project, transport accessibility, sales tools)
HC «Zarechny Park», HC «Yaninsky les», HC «Tallinskij park», HC «Kudrovskij park», HC «Lermontovskij 54», HC «Vitebskij park», HC «Shkiperskij, 19», HC «Aeronavt»
Viewing of two apartments (showroom) with a fine finishing (at Kantemirovskaya 11, in the HC Dalnevostochnyj or Orlovskij park). The presentation is given by the PIK manager. In the Zoom format - comprehensive training (benefits of the project, transport accessibility, sales tools)
HC «Tsivilizatsiya», HC «Tsvetnoy Gorod», HC «Neva Haus», HC «NEO PARK», HC «Tsivilizatsiya na Neve», HC «Ruchyi», HC «Morskaya Naberezhnaya», HC «Riviere Noire», HC «Neva Residence», HC «Morskaya Milya», HC «Oktyabrskaya Naberezhnaya», HC «Ruchyi 2», HC «Bolshaya Okhta», HC «Rzhevsky Park»
During the on-site excursion: introduction to the location and viewing of finished apartments. Via Zoom: comprehensive training (project benefits, transport accessibility, sales tools). There is also an option to conduct training at the real estate agency's office
HC «Rasczvetaj v Yanino»
With just one training a representative of the developer will make you see the Yanino location in a new light
HC «Pragma City»
Training from the project manager at the agency's office or an individual tour of the facility from the developer
HC «Yanila Kantri», HC «IQ Gatchina», HC «Yutteri», HC «Yanila Drajv», HC «OKLA», HC «Yanila Kantri Klab»
All training is provided by the developer, at the agency’s office or on-site; for those who are well familiar with the product, there is training in the Quiz format
HC «Cveta Radugi», HC «Urbanist», HC «Aviator», HC «Grafika», HC «Photograph»
Training from the developer at the agency's office, an individual tour of the facility from 15 people by the project manager or the developer
HC «Enfild», HC «Ariosto», HC «Modum»
The speaker from Arsenal sets for top sales, at the facility you can visit a showroom with up-to-date finishing options and ready-made apartments. The speaker can also come to the agency’s office
How it works
You choose the developer and
the training format from the list
The project manager contacts you and assigns training at
a convenient time
for you
Fill in an application form
Just sign up for training
Осталось записаться на обучение
Application for training