If you want to change the information about a legal entity, you have to provide:
The full name of Individual Entrepreneur or ООО in accordance with the EGRIP/USRLE
A scanned copy of the first page of the passport with the registration (for an individual entrepreneur)
Taxpayer Identification Number
Taxation system
Bank account and BIC
Contact details for the courier: telephone and email for communication regarding the closing documents for the added legal entity/ndividual entrepreneur
Legal and actual address
For all regions, except Moscow, is also required to have OKVED 68.31 (68.3, 68.31.1, 68.31.11, 68.31.3 и 68.31.31 are also suitable)
Adding a new legal entity but preserving the data of an already registered legal entity in our system
Before changing the information about a legal entity, please familiarize yourself with the information
We remove the data of your old legal entity from the database. We mark the new legal entity as the primary one.
Before changing the information about a legal entity, please familiarize yourself with the information
Adding a bank account to a registered legal entity/self-employed in our system.
Please note that transactions for which you have already sent forms will be paid according to the data from the forms. If you want to receive commission for transactions on the new account details, please fill out the form with the updated information.
Before changing the information about a legal entity, please familiarize yourself with the information
Replace the old account with a new one. The old account will be deleted from our system.
Please note that transactions for which you have already sent forms will be paid according to the data from the forms.If you want to receive commission for transactions on the new account details, please fill out the form with the updated information.
Before changing the information about a legal entity, please familiarize yourself with the information
Add the self-employed bank details to the system, removing previously added legal entities from the system.
Tell us about your changes.Please note that data on legal entities and bank accounts is accepted in other sections of this page.You can select them at the top.
Before changing the information about a legal entity, please familiarize yourself with the information
How it works
How it works
You are filling out a form noting changes in your agency.
Making changes
We verify the data and make changes in the system
We notify the agency director in a personal chat on TrendAgent about changes that have been made